HPC- Hueneme Patient Collective
HPC- Hueneme Patient Collective
501 Channel Islands Blvd W, Unit 302, Port Hueneme, CA 93041
Port Hueneme
(805) 203-3016
Hueneme Patient Consumer Collective, LLC.
HPC- Hueneme Patient Collective
The buyer is understanding but the owner will take advantage of your kindness. Beth will promise to pay if you send her the reorder she so desperately needs to make profit over the weekend. But when it comes to the day she promises to pay, she’ll go ghost or starts tripping. She’ll freak out about having to pay on time even with ample notice via email/text. She’ll act as if having 2-3 open invoices and you asking them to pay one before you send a fourth one out, is like unheard of. I’ve had to chase open invoices for 2-3 months.. Just pay what you owe.
This is very good info. Sounds like a familiar story. I’d give them slightly higher stars though because they do eventually pay, but it takes a while.